Children Herpes

Infectious Disease Caused By Kissing .. Children Herpes

Children Herpes

Imagining a large gathering with many people, fathers, mothers, and children… How wonderful!

Unfortunately, what these gatherings hide may carry some danger to children. Due to frequent contact among children in such groups, some infectious diseases appear and spread quickly. Among those diseases is herpes for children.

This is the topic we will address in this article; What is Children Herpes, how is it transmitted, its symptoms, treatment, and how to prevent it.

Children Herps

Herpes infections are common viral illnesses that can affect people of all ages, including children. While herpes infections in children are less common than in adults, they can be a source of concern and discomfort for both the child and their parents. In this comprehensive article, we will explore Children Herpes and the various aspects of herpes infections in children, including the types, symptoms, transmission, prevention, and management.

Understanding Herpes Infections

Herpes infections are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two primary types of HSV:

  1. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1): This type is commonly associated with oral herpes, which causes cold sores or fever blisters. It can also cause genital herpes when transmitted through oral-genital contact.

  2. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2): This type primarily causes genital herpes, but it can also infect the mouth through oral-genital contact.

Children Herpes

Herpes infections in children typically manifest as oral herpes (HSV-1) or, less commonly, as genital herpes (HSV-2). Here are some key points to consider:


  • Oral Herpes (HSV-1): Children with oral herpes may develop cold sores or fever blisters on or around the lips. These sores can be painful and may cause itching, burning, or tingling before they appear.

  • Genital Herpes (HSV-2): While less common in children, genital herpes can occur. Symptoms may include painful sores in the genital or anal area, as well as flu-like symptoms such as fever and swollen lymph nodes.


Children Herpes infections are highly contagious and can be transmitted through close contact with an infected person. In children, common modes of transmission include:

  • Oral Contact: Children can acquire oral herpes through close contact with someone who has a cold sore or fever blister. This can occur through kissing, sharing utensils, or using contaminated towels.

  • Genital Contact: In cases of genital herpes, children may acquire the infection through sexual abuse or contact with an infected caregiver.

  • Vertical Transmission: Infants can acquire herpes from their mothers during childbirth if the mother has an active genital herpes outbreak.


Preventing herpes infections in children involves several measures:

  • Avoid Close Contact: Encourage children to avoid kissing or sharing personal items with individuals who have visible cold sores or genital sores.

  • Education: Teach children about the importance of good hygiene practices, including handwashing and not touching their face.

  • Safe Sex Education: For older children and teenagers, provide information about safe sexual practices to reduce the risk of genital herpes.

  • Avoidance of Vertical Transmission: Pregnant women with genital herpes should consult with healthcare professionals to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to their newborns.

Management of Children Herpes

When a child is diagnosed with a herpes infection, it’s essential to provide appropriate care and support. Here are some key aspects of managing herpes infections in children:

Medical Treatment:

  • Antiviral Medications: In some cases, healthcare providers may prescribe antiviral medications to help manage herpes outbreaks in children. These medications can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.

  • Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers or topical creams may be recommended to alleviate discomfort.

Hygiene and Comfort:

  • Keep the Affected Area Clean: Ensure that the child’s sores are kept clean and dry to prevent infection and promote healing.

  • Comfort Measures: Offer comforting foods and fluids, especially if the child has cold sores that make eating painful.

  • Rest: Encourage the child to rest to support their immune system in fighting the virus.

Education and Emotional Support:

  • Explain the Infection: Depending on the child’s age, provide age-appropriate information about herpes and how it is transmitted.

  • Emotional Support: Reassure the child and address any emotional concerns they may have about the infection.

  • Preventing Recurrence: Teach older children about triggers that can lead to herpes outbreaks, such as stress or exposure to sunlight.

Long-Term Outlook:

Children Herpes are typically not life-threatening, and most children recover from outbreaks with appropriate care. However, it’s essential to manage and monitor the condition to prevent recurrent outbreaks.

Herpes simplex virus:

There are two types:

  • Oral herpes:

Infected children transmit it to other children by touching their blisters.

  •  Genital herpes:

It spreads between couples through sexual intercourse if one of them is infected.

This virus is dangerous because even if there are no symptoms on infected people, they remain carriers of the disease!

Causes of oral Children Herpes:

  • Oral herpes is transmitted to the newborn at birth if the mother is a carrier of genital herpes.
  • Children being kissed by others.
  •  When the child is fed by a mother who has an infection with the herpes virus,
  •  When the child is in contact with another infected child.
  •  If the child shares cups or towels with another child infected with the Children Herpes virus.

Symptoms of Children Herpes:

Herpes virus remains in a child’s body for several days,

  1. It causes ulcers to appear on the child’s skin in different places, eyebrows, eyelids, and mouth area. But later on, these ulcers swell and create pain which makes the child always in a bad mood. Fortunately, these pimples and ulcers do not last long and quickly fade or disappear after about a week.
  1. High temperature of the infected person is like coronavirus symptoms, until it reaches 39 and begins to feel headache and some infections may appear in the throat also.
  1. The child may lose his appetite for food due to throat infections.
  1. It may cause symptoms that require consulting a doctor, such as having difficulty breathing.

Treatment of the Children Herpes:

The treatment is determined according to the patient’s age; If the child is a newborn, the appropriate treatment of vitamins and antivirals.

But older children do not need to take antibiotics that inhibit the activity of the virus. The Children Herpes virus remains in the body for a while, and its symptoms are the same until they gradually disappear without medical treatment. It is also preferable that the affected child not be exposed to sunlight. 

Prevention of herpes simplex:

It is necessary to isolate the infected person. And to use personal tools such as cups, towels, utensils, whether the patient is an adult or a child.

To prevent the spread of the oral Children Herpes, it is necessary to:

  1. Stop kissing the child in the first months to avoid infection.
  2. Not to touch the child if the hand is not clean.


We talked in this article about Herpes Virus, what is it? How can children be affected by it? What are its symptoms and when these signs become active! Finally, what is the treatment and the methods of prevention?

Herpes infections in children can be distressing, but with proper care, education, and prevention measures, their impact can be minimized. It’s crucial for parents and caregivers to be aware of the symptoms, transmission routes, and prevention strategies associated with herpes infections in children.

By taking the necessary steps to manage and prevent these infections, parents can help their children lead healthy and comfortable lives. If you suspect your child has a herpes infection or have concerns, consult a healthcare professional for guidance and treatment.

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