• Malaria

    Malaria Symptoms and Treatment

    Malaria is one of the life-threatening parasitic infectious diseases, This disease mostly occurs due to a mosquito bite called anopheles which is found in tropical areas. When anopheles carry the  plasmodium parasite and bite a healthy one, It transmits the parasite to him and he will be diseased. The life cycle of malaria in human: […]

  • Tanning , Skin Cancer

    The Relation Between Tanning and Skin Cancer

    Skin cancer, just skin discoloration or can it be distributed? Skin cancer is often shown at exposed parts of the body like the Face,  Neck, Ears, shoulders and Hands. It starts there but where does it end? The most common reason for skin cancer is exposure to the ultra violet rays from the sun or […]

  • sciatica

    Treatment of sciatica

    When you feel pain in your lower back extends to your buttocks and your legs you may suffer from sciatica. Sciatica is a term that strikes fear into the hearts of many who have experienced its excruciating pain. It’s a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and can significantly impact daily life. Treatment of […]

  • Jaundice

    Jaundice In Newborn

    Jaundice is yellowing in the skin and eyes due to the high bilirubin level. What is bilirubin? Bilirubin is a yellow pigment produced after the normal breakdown of the red blood cells and the liver gets rid of it. Most of the newly born infants especially who are born before the 37th week their liver […]

  • Treatment of varicose veins

    Treatment of varicose veins

    Treatment of varicose veins: 8 Tips to treat varicose veins naturally: Releasing excess weight helps to relieve pressure on legs and the whole body. Don’t wear tight clothes as this interferes with the blood flow to the lower part of your body. Doing physical activity and exercise such as walking helps to improve the body’s […]

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